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標題: Windows 7 新界面、功能預覽
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積分 27243
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註冊 2006-11-11
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發表於 2008-11-1 02:21 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
Windows 7 新界面、功能預覽

First up was the new Windows 7 desktop. The new desktop includes a thicker taskbar, improved system tray and no sidebar. The orb on the start menu also glistens after hover over.

首先是新的Windows 7桌面上。新的台式機包括一個較厚任務,改善系統托盤中,沒有欄。在軌道上開始菜單後還閃耀籠罩。

Although the look is similar to Vista, the main changes would be demonstrated next, hovering Window display and Jump lists.


Averett described the jump lists as a "very addictive feature".

Averett描述了跳躍列為“非常上癮的功能” 。

Jump lists are accessible by right clicking on instances in the taskbar and they give you a list of recent documents using the recent documents API.

跳高名單可以通過右擊情況下在工作,他們給你一個清單,最近的文件,最近使用文件的API 。

Jump lists are also available on the start menu.


I got the chance to play around with a more recent build of Windows 7 and recorded the following demo of jump lists and the Window preview:

我有機會玩一個更最近建立的Windows 7和記錄了以下的演示跳名單和窗口預覽:

The new hover over window previews:


Averett went on to demo the new Windows Media player controls from the taskbar.


You can skip, play tracks and fully control the WMP experience from the new taskbar control.


Snap to side is the next major UI enhancement meaning if you have 2 windows open you can tile them easily by snapping them to the side.


This also works by dragging the window up to the top of the monitor and snapping it to the top (maximising it).

這還通過拖動窗口到頂部的連續監測和它頂端(最大化它) 。

Interestingly in the demonstrations we saw when windows were maximised the glass effect was still visible.


You can also see some of the latest Windows 7 touch advancements where jump lists are 25% larger than when used with the mouse and flick gestures are evident.

您也可以看到一些最新的Windows 7日觸及的進步在那裡跳名單的25 %以上時,用鼠標和電影的姿態是顯而易見的。

When Sinofsky was asked if this violated Apple's patents he said he could not discuss any legal issues.


Another great new feature named in the Windows 7 build as "preview desktop" but described as "peek into desktop", allows you to see through windows and straight onto the desktop.

另一位偉大的新功能命名在Windows 7日建立的“預覽桌面” ,而是稱為“方法論,台式機” ,可讓您看到通過窗戶和直行進入桌面。

Interestingly Microsoft have decided to remove the Windows Sidebar and simply drop the gadgets onto the desktop.


Averett went on to describe data Microsoft had gathered regarding customising Windows.


30% of people customise their glass colour.

30 %的人定制自己的玻璃的顏色。

Customers and OEMs both care a lot about customisation.


Windows 7 boosts what you can do with the glass colour.


You can now create theme sets and save them to share with friends and family.


The system tray has also been re-designed allowing users to hide system tray icons if they wish:


Libraries are now included in Windows 7 to help you better manage documents.

圖書館現在包括在Windows 7日,以幫助您更好地管理文件。

Libraries is a collection of content like photos, pictures and music.


Libraries allow you to add storage and keep the pictures stored locally across lots of drives but have links to the library.


Federated search allows you to search across multiple PCs to pull photos from another photo library on another PC.


The new search pane gives you a great preview of documents too within explorer.


HomeGroup is the feature that allows federated search to search across multiple PC libraries.


A HomeGroup allows you to easily link Windows 7 computers on your home network so that you can share pictures, music, videos, documents and devices.

阿HomeGroup可讓您輕鬆連結電腦的Windows 7日在您的家庭網絡,讓您可以分享圖片,音樂,視頻,文件和設備。

It also makes them ready to stream media to devices on your home network such as a media extender.


You can help protect your HomeGroup with a password, and you can choose what you want to share.


Another demonstration focussed on the new "PlayTo" option that will stream your music from other PCs and other music libraries (including iTunes) to your media receivers or other PCs.

另一個示範側重於新的“ PlayTo ”選項,將您的音樂流從其他個人電腦和其他音樂庫(包括iTunes )到您的媒體接收器或其他電腦。

Windows Media Player now plays AAC songs that iTunes uses but as Apple does not license FairPlay content Microsoft is unable to provide this functionality.


PlayTo also works on pictures and videos.


Device stage was demonstrated next.


This is a part of explorer which will demonstrate what a device is and what it can do.


It's an opportunity for the device vendor to fully showcase the device and present a photo realistic image of the device.


It has a task area at the bottom section where the vendor can provide links to inbuilt applications and device information.


Microsoft believes this will transform opportunities for vendors.


The entire device stage is an implementation of software + services and devices built inside an XML document.


A new feature in Windows 7 that was not fully demonstrated was the magnifier tool pictured below.

一種新的功能在Windows 7沒有得到充分表現出是放大鏡工具圖示如下。

This allows users to zoom into specific parts of the desktop.


來源:http://www.neowin.net/news/live/ ... ng-the-windows-7-ui

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