YK Forum » 吹水閒聊 » F4,F5,F6 textbooks( include Chin, LS, Bio, Geog

2012-8-2 03:26 PM mangolipoyan
F4,F5,F6 textbooks( include Chin, LS, Bio, Geog

本人為今屆的DSE中六考生, 現在畢業,有中四到中六的書出讓,大部分為九成新,詳情如下:

啟思新高中中國語文中五上及中五下(附送<語文學習手冊 中五>)原價:$346   現在售價:$130
<啟思新高中中國語文>選修單元五[新聞與報導--時人時事寫真]原價:$75 現在售價:$40  [100% new]
<啟思新高中中國語文>選修單元九[普通話傳意和應用]原價:$72 現在售價:$35  [100% new]
<啟思新高中中國語文>選修單元一[名著及改編影視作品]原價:$75 現在售價:$40  [100% new]

form 5[all100% new]   [附送worksheets, 每本書跟一本]
Longman New Senior Liberal Studies:Understanding of  Public Health 原價:$128 現在售價:$65  
Longman New Senior Liberal Studies: Science, Techology and Public Health 原價:$128 現在售價:$65  
Longman New Senior Liberal Studies:The influence of Energy Technology  原價:$128 現在售價:$65  
Longman New Senior Liberal Studies:The  environment and Sustainable Development原價:$128 現在售價:$65  
form 4 [all90% new]
Longman New Senior Liberal Studies: China's reform and opening up  原價:$138 現在售價:$55
Longman New Senior Liberal Studies: Chinese culture and Modern Life  原價:$128 現在售價:$49
Longman New Senior Liberal Studies: GLobolisation I              原價:$128 現在售價:$49
Longman New Senior Liberal Studies: GLobolisation II              原價:$128 現在售價:$39  [簿皮破了]

[Oxford] Senior Secondary Exploring Geography 5: Weather and Climate  原價:$109 現在售價:$50
[Oxford] Senior Secondary Exploring Geography 7: A regional study of the ZHUjiang Delta  原價:$109 現在售價:$50
[Oxford] New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology E1: Human physiology: regulation and control  售價:$50 [90%new with markings]
[Oxford] New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology E4:Biotechnology  售價:$60 [90%new with markings]
Hong Kong Jiont-Us Press limited: HKDSE related suggested solution Biology(27 years) 售價:$69  100% new

對以上二手課本有興趣的人請傳電郵給我, 可提供詳細內頁的照片, 交收地點可商討,電郵如下:
[email protected]

2012-8-2 11:17 PM mangolipoyan
啟思新高中中國語文中五上及中五下(附送<語文學習手冊 中五>) was sold

2012-8-3 12:46 AM mangolipoyan
LS for f.4 is from Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co.

2012-8-5 06:09 PM 小布子
LS都用英文 心淡~"~

2012-8-6 08:56 AM kenlol

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