YK Forum » 吹水閒聊 » whathaveudone

2012-5-11 07:18 PM barickcyli

今晚8:00 play呀~~~~

2012-5-11 08:03 PM 〤暗影〤
回覆 #1 barickcyli 的帖子

"請即”Like” Rio Mints HK Facebook Page,達到10,000個“Like”即可激活完整MV!你還等甚麼?

“Like” Rio Mints HK Facebook Page to unlock the full MV of “What Have U Done”, the MV will be release once it hits 20,000 likes!"

Fake ?:clown: (6.6k like now)

[[i] 本帖最後由 〤暗影〤 於 2012-5-12 10:47 AM 編輯 [/i]]

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