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標題: 親子遊玩天地 – 飛牛牧場
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UID 55801
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YK幣 135
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註冊 2014-10-25
用戶註冊天數 3470
用戶失蹤天數 2443
性別 男生
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-17 03:03 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
親子遊玩天地 – 飛牛牧場

Time flies so fast. My husband and I used to date here, but today we have a child named tangtang.

大約下午的時候我們才入園,首站蝴蝶園,我一直很喜歡這種地方 - 風景優美又富有教育意義,讓孩子直接的接觸學習,是最有效也最能拉近彼此距離的好方法唷!
We arrived here in afternoon. Butterfly park was our first station. I always like the place where with good scenery and knowledge. I know that it is the most effective to learn and to get closer to each other.

There was a restaurant in the farm. On the way to the restaurant, we found many places where we can feed some animals directly. It was interesting. Also, there was a stretch of meadow. My husband decided to take a nap there;tang tang and I played on the grass.
It was pity we didn’t bring a kite or we can fly a kite there.

We had a tasty milk hot pot that every recommended in the farm. The beef was fresh and the soup was thick and rich in flavor. You could see how tangtang tried so hard to play in the afternoon because she asked to eat one more. It was fun.

房間外觀 outside of the room

Let me introduce the room we stayed here. This room was for three people and I found that the cups here were pretty cute. I loved them so much. The most important thing was that they had good beds for us to sleep well all night. After a wonderful night, we were ready for keeping exploring “flying cow”.

The breakfast here was organic and nutrition!!

We had many DIY courses on that morning; most of them were not free but interesting. You can get more detail information on this website http://www.flyingcow.com.tw/cn/p4-2.php

We were hungry after many DIY courses, so we had Italian cuisine here. Although the price was not so cute, it is worth for you to try one. It would be a totally different feeling if you had Italian cuisine here.

White pudding is the most popular souvenir here. We bought some to our family. I have to say that “flying cow” is not only a good place for nuclear family but for extended family.


You can get more information here.
ADD:No.166, Nanhe, Tongxiao Township, Miaoli County 357, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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